Tuesday, September 3, 2013

~Butternut Squash Bruschetta & Pear & Zucchini Soup~

Some of our butternut squash was ready to harvest.
I love going out to the garden and
 picking fresh vegetables.
I thought I could make a bruschetta with the butternut squash.
I roasted some in the oven at 400 with olive oil and herbs.
We then whipped the butternut squash and added a little more olive oil and served it with fresh bread. We roasted some pumpkin seeds to sprinkle on the top.
We served it with prosciutto baked 
around asparagus and hot brie with dried fruit.
I saw a soup recipe from the Food Network,
(The Corn Exchange)
 Pear & Zucchini Soup.
I picked some fresh carrots and zucchini in the garden.
So, it was a perfect recipe.
So yummy!
I cheated and bought an apple pie from the store.
Sometimes, you just have too!
I made a pretty ice bucket with flowers from the garden.
It was a very special weekend.
Our son, Scott, came home to visit.
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend too!

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