Thursday, January 9, 2014

~Roses and Simple & Sweet Fridays~

After posting this week about taking time to smell the roses,
I saw some beautiful roses at Trader Joe's and bought them.
I also saw some beautiful pink Hyacinths.
So, I bought those too.
I have them in the kitchen so I can watch them grow.
I moved the roses to the dining room table.
I have a beautiful antique tablecloth my mother had.
I think it's a perfect place for them.

I started putting out some of my Valentine decorations today.
I picked some pink roses from the garden 
to put in the embellished pots I made last year.
Then I took out my stamps and made a sign.
It looks so pretty on the antique arch.
I love how fragile roses look in a glass.
I forgot to share with you my Christmas cup 
I found at a thrift store.
The Eiffel Tower with Santa's sleigh going around it.
It does have chips on it, but I don't care.
I've never seen a Paris cup like this before.
There's nothing like having fresh roses in your home.
I always feel so special.
 Hope you are able to pick some fresh roses from your garden or go out and buy a dozen.
You'll feel special too!

Last weeks features:

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Rooted In Thyme

Enjoy the Simple & Sweet Friday linky party!

Rooted In Thyme

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