Monday, January 6, 2014

~Inspirational Fortune for 2014~To Receive True Love, Give It First~

To receive true Love, give it first.
Such a simple thing to do.
It's a wonderful inspirational saying for 2014.
I want to change some things in the New Year.
But most of all,
 Stop and Smell the Roses.
I'm going to try and take time everyday
 to stop and reflect.
We all get so busy with our schedules, to make that special time
would help us all be more positive with our lives. 
I wanted to share with you some fortune cookies 
I brought to Yuri's house for a 
New Year's Day Party.
I bought some fortune cookies at a Chinese restaurant.
I didn't have enough time to make them during the holidays.
I found some pretty colored paper at the dollar store.
My friend, Jackie and I dipped the cookies
 in white and dark chocolate.
Then wrapped them up in the pretty paper and
 made a 2014 sticker for them.
Jackie made the sign, she's so good with paper projects!

Wishing you all
 Good Fortune, Good Health and New Blogging Friends
for 2014!! 

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