Monday, January 20, 2014

~New Garden Vegetables For The Raised Beds~

I went to a local nursery and picked up some vegetables
 to plant in the raised beds.
Stan started growing some vegetables by seed 
but, I fell in love with these.
I had to get them!!
Right now in January the garden looks like this,
not too bad.
Stan got the raised beds ready for the new vegetables.
Maggie loves making sure he's doing a good job.
Peas growing up a copper arch.
All the vegetables were planted this weekend.
Fleckled lettuce
Stan started these beets from seeds. 
Swiss Chard
Stan started this Kale by seed.
My miniature garden in the wheelbarrow came alive after
I cut back a lot of the plants near it.
It's always so much fun finding things we love.
~Flowers in Bloom~
I love the upright Rosemary.
Always pretty in a bouquet.
The artichokes are starting to grow.
Looking forward to a new crop.
Stock and...
Believe it or not, we still have pumpkins growing now.
We've starting to pull them out and saving their seeds.
Hope you all had fun in your gardens!!

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