Thursday, January 23, 2014

~Madeleines and Simple & Sweet Fridays #99~

I love Madeleines.
They are a delicious light butter cake.
I haven't made them in awhile.
I made some orange glaze to put on top.

It's a wonderful Parisian dessert.
I made a small latte too.
It was heaven
Outside was a beautiful 80 degrees in San Diego.
Our small olive tree looks so cute with olives on it this year.
Lily of the Valley 
The Calliandra Haemat is in full bloom.
It's also known as the "Pink Powder Puff".
So pretty, just in time for Valentine's Day.
Putting out some of my holiday decorations.
I'll share more soon with you!
I'm working on a special crown 
for a friend's birthday this weekend.
Just started and have lots of ideas of how to decorate it!!
I'll also share that with you next week too!
Hope she likes it.

What have you been working on lately,
can't wait to see!!

Last weeks features:

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Simple & Sweet Fridays,
feel free to add my button!
Rooted In Thyme

Enjoy the Simple & Sweet Friday linky party!

Rooted In Thyme

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