Sunday, November 3, 2013

~Autumn in the Garden~

~Today was a beautiful Autumn day in the garden~
There is some rain expected in San Diego tomorrow,
so I wanted to garden while the weather was perfect.
I love this stepping stone.
My angels are always watching over the garden.
Our cabbages are doing so well and
 we still have pumpkins growing in November.
Roses in bloom.
A little color everywhere.
Succulents are always so easy to grow.

My sweet peas and scarlet flax that I started by seed.
Next weekend I'll plant them.
I just love walking through the garden in the morning
 with a cup of coffee to see what is growing.
I put some white pumpkins outside,
they're so pretty lined up in a row.
On the other table,
 I had orange pumpkins.
We were so lucky to have 
so many grow in the garden this year.
I just love gardening.
There's never enough time to do everything I love to do.
But, today I made time to watercolor.
And yes, a stop at Trader Joe's
for their new Pumpkin Cheesecake.
With a chocolate covered strawberry it was a perfect end to a perfect day!

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