Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thinking about Paris and Sweet & Simple Fridays #36

I was thinking about Paris today.
Stan and I went to Paris in November 1987.
It was a difficult decision leaving our children behind to make the trip.  We had our son, Scott who was 2 1/2 and our daughter Katie, 4 months old.
Stan had traveled so much he got free tickets and told me, lets go to Paris, it's a chance of a lifetime.
Even though we were thinking about our kids the whole time we were glad to experience France. My sister, Charmaine, watched the kids and now that they're grown we look forward to a chance to share Paris with Scott, Katie and Carly.  We saw so many beautiful places and people.  
It was the most romantic vacation we've taken. 
Maybe that's why I collect so many French things now in the house.
I will always have wonderful memories of

Now on with the Party...
Last weeks Simple & Sweet Favorites!

Go check out Rita's Shabby Chic Rose's post Timeless Beauty
Rita fell in love with a precious vintage clock and you will too when you see her lovely new treasure!
Be sure to check out Rita's blog!

Go check out Chenille Cottage's post 
Happy Harvest! 
Carolynn shares her beautiful home and her collection of blue & white transferware. 
You'll love her pretty vignettes!
 Be sure to check out Carolynn's blog!

Go check out Shushkat's post Learn a New Skill!
Shona will inspire you with her new skill of crocheting.
 Her finished piece is a work of art!
Be sure to check out Shona's blog!

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Simple & Sweet Fridays,
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Rooted In Thyme

Happy Simple & Sweet Fridays Everyone!
Do you have any posts that you find 
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 Just link them up.  It's just that simple.

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Please link up a post that you think everyone will love!
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Enjoy the Simple & Sweet Friday linky party!
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Rooted In Thyme

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