Monday, November 12, 2012

~Paper Whites to Plant~

November is the month
 when we plant our paper whites.
We have some already coming up and love to add new spots.
I was going through my outside cupboard and trying to get things organized.
Since, last winter I had placed some in my cupboard to dry and plant this year.

It seems like this year went so fast.
I remember planting last year 
and trying different containers.
 Finding new vessels for the paper whites will be first on my list.
I love the thrill of the hunt
 looking through thrift stores.

I'll have to start planting before the rains.
It's always nice to give them away as gifts.
I've seen so many wonderful ideas on all the blogs this year for paper whites. 
Stan started some in pots.
Here's some photos of the paper whites
 coming up in our garden.

Hope you all had fun in your gardens today!

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