Thursday, November 15, 2012

A Little Snow and Simple & Sweet Fridays #37

I've been thinking about snow and since we don't get any where we live, I thought, why not put some around the house.
There's something about the first snow
 that puts a smile on everyone's faces.
Just a little here,
and here.
It makes everything magical.

Now on with the Party...
Last weeks Simple & Sweet Favorites!

Go check out Vintage Gal Style's post Vintage French Rose Table! Lynnie has a talent for painting topiaries and applied it on her table to give it a French theme. Her artwork is fantastic! 
Be sure to check out Lynnie's blog!

Go check out the Heaven's Walk post Coffee Table Make-Over! Laurie shows you her design from changing her old coffee table to her beautiful farmhouse planked table top. She's truly an inspiration to us all. 
 Be sure to check out Laurie's blog!

Go check out Dreams On 34th Street's post Rescue a French cookbook (and Lynne's spirit...)!
Lynne's creative idea to decorate her gifts will have you shopping for that special mark down book. A great way to embellish your holiday presents.
Be sure to check out Lynne's blog!

Go check out Fabby's Living's post Fabby: My Thankgiving Table for 2012!
Fabby's Thanksgiving table has all the elegant pieces you need to have a festive holiday dinner. A tablescape for everyone to enjoy! 
Be sure to check out Fabby's blog!

Go check out Cloches and Lavender's post Cabinet Doors - NOT!
Cynthia will inspire you with her re-purposing project. You will be amazed how beautiful they turned out!
Be sure to check out Cynthia's blog!

If you have been featured on
Simple & Sweet Fridays,
feel free to add my button!
Rooted In Thyme

Happy Simple & Sweet Fridays Everyone!
Do you have any posts that you find 
inspiring for other bloggers to read! 
 Just link them up.  It's just that simple.

The Rules:
Please become a follower of Rooted In Thyme & grab my button so everyone can join the fun!
Please link up a post that you think everyone will love!
No direct blog links, etsy links, linky parties, or advertising links.
Please look at 3 links that bloggers have linked up and comment them telling them why you looked at their post

Enjoy the Simple & Sweet Friday linky party!
Thank you for visiting & following Rooted In Thyme!

Rooted In Thyme

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