Thursday, August 2, 2012

~Music In The Garden and Simple & Sweet Fridays #22~

I saw this music stand at a High School Rummage Sale near our home.
The volunteers were packing up their things that day, I was late as usual.
I asked how much it was and the lady said because it has a broken stand, how about $5?
Of course, I said yes.
I grew up in a family with music and singing. I knew I wanted it but didn't know how to use it.
I placed it in a plant pot and then the magic happened.
The crystals hanging from it reflected the light and it looked magical.
I knew my mother was with me and said this is the perfect spot for it...

Now on with the Party...
Last weeks Simple & Sweet Features!

Go check out Be Book Bound's post A Midsummer Night's Dream: Vintage Toiletry Bottle Labels!
Erika and Miriam created an array of toiletries with bottles they've collected. They used contact paper and copied pretty labels to make all their toiletries feel magical. You'll feel the magic too!
 Go check out Erika and Miriam's blog!

Go check out Sweetwater Style's post Tile Plant Markers! 
Mary gives us a tutorial of how to make these cute plant markers with pieces of tile and old forks. It will inspire everyone to make these creative markers.
Go check out Mary's blog!

Go check out Once Upon a Chocolate's post Chocolate Brownie Cookies!
Elizabeth shares this delicious recipe that if you like brownies and chocolate cookies you're in for a treat!
 Go check out Elizabeth's blog!

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Simple & Sweet Fridays,
feel free to add my button!
Rooted In Thyme

Happy Simple & Sweet Fridays Everyone!
Do you have any posts that you find 
inspiring for other bloggers to read! 
 Just link them up.  It's just that simple.

The Rules:
Please become a follower of Rooted In Thyme & grab my button so everyone can join the fun!
Please link up a post that you think everyone will love!
No direct blog links, etsy links, linky parties, or advertising links.
Please look at 3 links that bloggers have linked up and comment them telling them why you looked at their post

Enjoy the Simple & Sweet Friday linky party!
Thank you for visiting & following Rooted In Thyme!

Rooted In Thyme

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