Tuesday, December 10, 2013

~We'll Miss You Grandma Mary~

I'm saddened to say my mother-in-law, Mary, passed away on December 3rd.
We were lucky enough to have her live next door these past 2 years.  She grew up in Lwow, Poland and lived through the invasions by the Russians and Germans.  During WWII she was forced to work in a labor camp raising food for the German army. Unfortunately she was never able to reunite with her family members. She met her soul mate Stanislaus at Wildflecken, Germany after the Allies defeated Germany.  They married and had their first of four sons, Jerzy and immigrated to the US finally settling in San Francisco. She worked at St. Mary's Hospital for 35 years taking the bus everyday in the City.  She would lose her husband at an early age but managed to raise her four sons on her own.  She was a strong and determined woman overcoming challenges in life and maintaining a smile on her face.
We will miss her dearly.
She loved seeing her picture on the blog and 
would love knowing I shared this with you.
I've decided to still have the party this week,
she would have wanted it that way.
She loved you all.

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