Tuesday, December 17, 2013

~Snowmen Everywhere~

Don't you just love snowmen.
I made some cupcakes for Tami's cookie party this week.
~French Vanilla~
All lined up ready to be taken home.
I went to a Children's Benefit hosted by my friend, Yuri. 
 Some women had made the cutest snowmen out of socks.
So I had to try and make some.
A collection of socks I found at Target and buttons and embellishments I bought at Michaels.

Some colorful bells added.
Easy fun project!
I love my snowmen made out of fondant.
Stan, me, Scott, Katie and Carly.
Each one represents my family and of course, the pets.
Our son, Scott with his parakeet.
Stan with our cockatoo, Putter.
Our dog, Maggie.
Our beloved, Mopsy, the rabbit.
They lasted about 8 years now.
I just glue the parts that break off.
My little miniature snowman with tiny candies inside.
Another scene with a little snowman.
Love them all!
Cute cup for the holiday!
My fluffy wise owls on a antique sled.
Hope you all are having a fun time
 decorating, baking and getting ready for
 Christmas next week.

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