Monday, August 5, 2013

~What shall I plant today?~

I know I have planted lots of pumpkins, tomatoes, squash and artichokes in the garden.
It seems like I always want one more plant.
This year, I'm trying to plant more flowers for my arrangements.
By the way, I found these shutters at a thrift store 
and I'm using it on top of a table for drainage.
It holds 6 flats of seedlings.
I went to a garage sale and found this potting table for $3,
 Stan had to fix the leg. But, it works well for potting.
At the same garage sale they had another table with rollers.
Only $3, it fits well in our meditation area.
I planted sugar snap peas.
Love Lies Bleeding flowers.
Love in a Mist flowers.
 Some Photos of the new potting area.

I picked some carrots
and Swiss Chard for dinner.
It was a Good Day in the Garden.

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