Wednesday, July 31, 2013

~ Fairy Picnic Basket and Simple & Sweet Fridays #74~

I saw the cutest idea ever and had to make one!
A Fairy Picnic Basket.
I bought a picnic basket at the thrift store.
 Line the basket with a black liner.
Trim the excess with scissors and then add a ground cover.
I used blue star creeper,
add some old vintage plates and an empty bottle of wine.
I found my fairies at Summers Past Farms in Flinn Springs.
But, you could probably find them online. 

Instead of  using all plates in the holders I added
 some small vases and picked some fresh roses.
Of course, a little fairy under a glass looks cute!

I attached a little fairy holding onto the cork!
The picnic basket is a perfect place for the fairies to play!
I also added some new fairy food to my Etsy.
Of course, the fairies need some fruits and vegetables!

Happy Thursday everyone!
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Rooted In Thyme

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Rooted In Thyme

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