Tuesday, July 9, 2013

~Our Harvest of Dwarf Zinfandel Grapes~

This year our Zinfandel grapes are doing very well.
Maybe the weather has a lot to do with the harvest.
It has been very hot in San Diego.
I'm just in awe,
  they're such a pretty purple.
They're next to the house,
 so we get to see the beautiful view of them.

I love the red leaves.

The sprinkler went on and wet the grapes,
they look like they were just dusted with sugar.
Can't wait to try them.
Our crop of the Thompson Seedless is not as abundant.
But they will do just fine
 in a Fruit Salad.
We went to the farmer's market 
and bought some fresh pears and raspberries.
 With all the fresh fruit in season,
it's nice to make a dessert.
A Brandied Pear and Raspberry Galette.
So Good!
I almost forgot I wanted to share with you 
the most beautiful flower.
It's called Hymenocallis (Spider Lily).
It's in the lily family.
My mother had given Stan this lily years ago.
She loved how beautiful it was,
just like her.
Very special.

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