Wednesday, June 5, 2013

~Wheelbarrow Miniature Garden and Simple & Sweet Fridays~

I'm so excited about my new miniature garden.
You would have thought I won the lotto. 
I found this wheelbarrow being given away free!!
I saw a miniature garden at Summers Past Farms in a wheelbarrow.
It was such a cute idea but I didn't want to buy a new one.
I had just the right spot for it.
Now the pumpkin patch has a new home!
I had to share our latest photo of our hydrangeas.
They got so big I can't see our fountain.
Another idea for a ladder!

Happy Thursday everyone!
Last weeks Simple & Sweet Favorites!

Go check out Gold Country Cottage' post Garden Party!
Judy opens her garden gate and shares her beautiful garden. Her Cecil Brunner roses are spectacular! 
Be sure to check out Judy's blog!

Go check out Rustic & Refined's post Garden Cloche!
Christine puts together the prettiest tablescape with a wire cloche as a centerpiece. Her allium and iris are just the right color of purple!
Be sure to check out Christine's blog!

Go check out Thistlebear's post First Posy!
Jennifer displays her flowers from her garden in a simple mason jar. Her first posy is gorgeous!

Go check out Jennifer's blog!

Go check out Butteryum's post Coffee Toffee Mocha Crunch Cake!
Patricia shares this delicious recipe that looks amazing. What a heavenly cake!
Be sure to check out Patricia's blog!

Go check out Anna & Co's DIY (Before & After) Chalkboard LOVE!
Anna uses an old art piece and turns it into a chalkboard masterpiece. You'll want to try her technique!
Be sure to check out Anna's blog!

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Simple & Sweet Fridays,
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Rooted In Thyme

Happy Simple & Sweet Fridays!
Do you have any posts that you find 
inspiring for other bloggers to read! 
 Just link them up.  It's just that simple.

The Rules:
Please become a follower of Rooted In Thyme & grab my button so everyone can join the fun!
Please link up a post that you think everyone will love!
No direct blog links, etsy links, linky parties, or advertising links.
Please look at 3 links that bloggers have linked up and comment them telling them why you looked that their post

Enjoy the Simple & Sweet Friday linky party!

Rooted In Thyme

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