Wednesday, June 5, 2013

~A Little Zest In Your Life~

I saw this citrus salt recipe in the Sunset magazine and thought it would be delicious.
They also suggested trying it with mandarin oranges, kumquat or blood oranges. 
I'm sure it will taste good on cooked fish or salads 
with a drizzle of olive oil.
Mix together:
3 tablespoons of lime or lemon zest.
Mix it with 1 cup flake salt (Maldon) or coarse salt.
Spread on a baking tray and air-dry for 8 hours to overnight until completely dry.
 It will last 2 months in a airtight container.
I thought it needed a tag so I used a cork,
and different color inks.
It looks so pretty in the jars and I love how easy this recipe was!
We had some homemade lasagna Stan made that night.
Of course a little dessert to share!

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