Monday, June 17, 2013

~Inspired Vintage Papers~

I found some old vintage shelf paper 
and wanted to make candles with it.
I noticed it was made by Revlon.
I found it buried underneath some things at a thrift store.
When I looked at the print, I loved it!
It looks like a scene in a Paris Park.
I painted some Mod Podge on both sides of the candles 
and glued the paper down
and waited for it to dry.
I like the way the scenes light up.
I will probably just use them once in awhile
 because they look so pretty, I want them to last.
I also would not leave them burning, unless I was home.
I've seen people covering candles with sheet music too.
I had an old opera book with sheet music.
A little opera music throughout the house sounded good.
With some lights on the mantel.
I can hear music everywhere.
A fun project with some vintage paper!

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