Monday, July 9, 2012

Vintage Shoes in the Garden

I always like the way flowers grow in an unexpected way.
When I tried growing flowers in some unique baby shoes it looked too cute.
I went to the thrift store on a hunt to find the cheapest shoes.
Stan drilled holes in the bottom of the shoes to have drainage in them.
It was fun seeing how many different shoes I could find.
Black, white, patterned and yellow.
The children's shoes and the white ones with the flowers.
How pretty...
I found the purses at different nurseries.
I stamped the spoon and added some bling.
I'm going to be adding these on my Etsy site.
I love how each one is unique.
It's as though they have their own personality.
Miniature flowers are the best.
It's fun going to the nursery to find what flower would fit each shoe.
When you display them all together they seem to fit perfectly.
You can use glass domes to add some whimsy.
Every girl needs some new shoes.
What girl doesn't like to go shopping...

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