Thursday, May 17, 2012

Simple & Sweet Fridays #11

Happy Thursday Everyone!

Last weeks Simple & Sweet Favorites!

Design Dreams By Anne received the highest views last week at our Simple & Sweet Fridays with her Aqua Love Affair post!
Go check out Anne's blog! 

Shabby Story received the second highest views last week at our Simple & Sweet Fridays with her Lacey Potting Table post!
Go check out Lynn's blog!

Chateau Chic received the third highest views last week at our Simple & Sweet Fridays with her Not Very Thrifty post!
Go check out Mary Alice's blog!

If you have been featured on
Simple & Sweet Fridays,
feel free to add my button!
Rooted In Thyme

Happy Simple & Sweet Fridays!
Do you have any posts that you find 
inspiring for other bloggers to read! 
 Just link them up.  It's just that simple.

The Rules:
Please become a follower of Rooted In Thyme & grab my button so everyone can join the fun!
Please link up a post that you think everyone will love!
No direct blog links, etsy links, linky parties, or advertising links.
Please look at 3 links that bloggers have linked up and comment them telling them why you looked at their post

Enjoy the Simple & Sweet Friday linky party!
Thank you for visiting Rooted In Thyme!

Rooted In Thyme

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