Tuesday, May 15, 2012

~My New Treasure Find~

I went to the thrift store this weekend and they were having a half off sale!
I spotted these dishes and wondered how much they were? The set wasn't complete, but
I loved the Vintage look and thought I could use them for my Mother's Day dinner.
A little worn and cracked, it made
 them even more special.
 The whole set of china was $20.
I knew they would be perfect.
I decided to use etched gold champagne glasses and goblets. With white linen napkins, gold chargers, the china dishes looked elegant.
I have Iceberg Roses in bloom in our garden, so I used them for my centerpiece.
 An old silver tray my mother gave me to
 display the roses on.
I used the vintage cups for the vases.
I placed fresh rose petals everywhere on the table.
Everyone had their own little bottle of champagne to toast the special occasion!
The vintage dishes looked classic with the crystal glasses.
The french doors opened us up to 
the warmth of the day.
In the afternoon, the sun starts to set and you can see my DREAM sign.
It always makes me happy.
Another relaxing holiday dinner.
Have a wonderful week...

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