Thursday, May 10, 2012

Simple & Sweet Fridays #10

Happy Thursday Everyone!
And Happy Birthday Stan!
It is my wonderful husband's birthday today, so we are celebrating with dinner by the bay tonight. Enjoy your day!

Last weeks Simple & Sweet Favorites!

Shabby Beach Nest received the highest views last week at our Simple & Sweet Fridays with her 101 Idea "I'm Bored" Jar post!
Go check out Nicole's blog! 

Ozma of Odds received the second highest views last week at our Simple & Sweet Fridays with her May Day Fairy post!
Go check out Rosemary's blog!

Second Time Around Finds received the third highest views last week at our Simple & Sweet Fridays with her Look at Metal Finds post!
Go check out Denise's blog!

The winner of the Mother's Day gift box was Debra at Common Ground!
Congratulations Debra!

If you have been featured on
Simple & Sweet Fridays,
feel free to add my button!
Rooted In Thyme

Happy Simple & Sweet Fridays!
Do you have any posts that you find 
inspiring for other bloggers to read! 
 Just link them up.  It's just that simple.

The Rules:
Please become a follower of Rooted In Thyme & grab my button so everyone can join the fun!
Please link up a post that you think everyone will love!
No direct blog links, etsy links, linky parties, or advertising links.
Please look at 3 links that bloggers have linked up and comment them telling them why you looked at their post

Enjoy the Simple & Sweet Friday linky party!

Rooted In Thyme

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