Thursday, December 6, 2012

~Kitchen Garden Inspiration and Simple & Sweet Fridays #40~

Stan and I designed two kitchen gardens
 near our house, so it would be easy to harvest.
We planted different varieties of vegetables and 
of course, cabbage.
It took us about 4 weeks of planning and 
working on both areas.
We did all the work ourselves.
Stan added more brick and stepping stones to the area. Then added
 soil, compost and rototilled.
We're looking forward to fresh salads and vegetables everyday this winter.
I took these photos this morning.
The cabbages are doing great and 
getting bigger day by day.
It's just the way we wanted it 
and it looks so pretty too!

Now on with the Party...
Last weeks Simple & Sweet Favorites!

Go check out The Thrifty Rebel's post Our Christmas Village Display Cabinet!
Be sure to check out Tuula's blog!

Go check out the The Country Farm Home's post Jewels For The Tree!
 Be sure to check out Dru's blog!

Go check out Life in my Empty Nest' post Christmas On The Porch!
Be sure to check out Vicki's blog!

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Simple & Sweet Fridays,
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Rooted In Thyme

Happy Simple & Sweet Fridays Everyone!
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 Just link them up.  It's just that simple.

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Enjoy the Simple & Sweet Friday linky party!
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Rooted In Thyme

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