Friday, February 6, 2015

Make Money Online with Value Addon Membership Software | LAUNCH!

Make Money Online with this Amazing Membership Software!

Get Value Addon at Launch for a Discount!

Although my site here is usually only promoting ways you can make money online WITHOUT a website, I just came across some SUPERIOR, top QUALITY membership software that is totally newbie friendly. It takes all the headache and frustration out of having a website, you do not need to know any of the techie stuff, the software does it all FOR you!

So what is this amazing software? It is not just some cheap script that will be here today, gone tomorrow. This program is backed by one of the biggest names in Internet marketing, JVZoo itself! What the software, called Value Addon, does, it gives you all the tools and help you need to set up your own online course to sell. (Somewhat like, which is HUGE!)

Value Addon is on Pre-Launch right now, and if you get in early, you get a great deal! This can be the start of your new future in leaning how to make money online! 

Everyone will tell you that the real money is in creating your own product to sell. That can be a scary thought, since it takes a lot of time and experience to create a digital product. Unless you use tools that make it easier! And the training provided with Value Addon makes that anyone can do it! Even newbies who have never built anything by themselves before. 

This is a game changer. Seriously… This new platform makes it “dirt simple” for anyone to begin selling online courses within minutes. Yep, I said minutes!  .... Unlike other products out there… Value Addon only requires 3 steps before you’re ready to sell your advice, deliver online courses, or build beautiful membership sites.

Step 1: Upload your content (audios, videos, pdfs, images … etc) – They host everything for you and even pay your Amazon S3 bill for you.

Step 2: Set your price using the built in shopping cart. (IE: How much do you want sell access to your content for?)

Step 3: Configure your sales page using the SWEET built-in sales page creator that an 8 year old can complete. “YES, It’s literally that easy”….

And that’s it! You can have a complete membership website set-up within 10-15 minutes and be ready to rock without no messy plugins to install, no custom code to write, no expensive hosting to configure, or domains to buy… etc – This is TOO EASY!

But most of all NO Webmaster required!  You will never be held hostage again!!

So… The good news is that Value Addon is officially going LIVE in the next few days and during their launch, they are slashing prices by 50% and more for 7 days ONLY!.

If you’ve ever wanted to get into the membership business or sell online courses, NOW is the time to do it. You can SAVE BIG TIME if you get in early, otherwise the prices will be going back up to their regular rates.

     To your success!

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