Tuesday, April 9, 2013

~English Tea Party- Part 2~

~Let Them Eat Cake~
The party continues with lots of photos.
I made sugar cookies,
with teapot cookie cutters.
I made 3 different sizes.
I iced them with red and blue!
Virginia made scones.
They looked so pretty!
I made Giada de Laurentiis recipe for
Lavender & Lemon cookies.
They were delicious!
I wanted to make our place setting name tags for the tea party.
I painted some peat pots white and then added 
some cut outs that I found at Michael's 
and painted them with chalkboard paint.
Glued them all together to make a festive Tea Party place setting.
I saw this recipe using Korbel Rose Champagne &
 a splash of Creme Yvette.
Tami make the prettiest ice bucket using flowers.
It looked so special.
I had to buy this beautiful bottle of wine.
Did you notice I even made butter roses and 
placed them on little glass plates?
I picked edible flowers that morning 
from our garden and washed them off to dry.
Virginia and Mary helped make fresh sandwiches using;
cream cheese
 cucumbers, watercress, flowers and turkey and jelly.
They looked so elegant on the tray.
The color of the flowers were gorgeous.
Yuri made a beautiful salad. 
I was so busy with the party,
 I forgot to take a picture, sorry Yuri. It was delicious!
Mary made a carrot soup, so yummy!
I made two quiches.
Spinach, mushrooms and swiss cheese in one.
The other one, I added bacon to it.
I loved making these different size butterflies to place everywhere.
Some souvenir teapots from England.
A London underground map.

Some little touches here and there.

It was a beautiful day in San Diego. 
So, I had another table ready just in case. 
We had plenty of places to sit.
Stan picked fresh flowers from our garden.

I took lots of photos.
So tomorrow,
I'll show you more of the party!

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