Monday, January 30, 2012

Glitter Stars

I got some stars as a gift and I wanted to use them but they needed some glitter.
I found some Martha Stewart 
glitter at Michael's
 on sale and it was just the right price. 
With a little adhesive spray
 and the glitter,
the magic was ready to happen.

Cream of Celeriac Soup

I wanted to try this recipe that was
 in the January Victoria Magazine 2012 issue.It calls for celery root and I had never cooked with it before.
I diced and sauted the celery root.
I have a little bay tree growing in the backyard and I needed one leaf for the recipe. It's always nice having herbs growing right next to your kitchen so you'll have them fresh.
It called for Bouquet Garni, which consisted of fresh sprigs of thyme, parsley, rosemary and 1 bay leaf.
Wrap all the herbs together in cheesecloth and secure it with twine. Let cook for about 45min. Remove the Bouquet Garni, puree, and strain with a fine-mesh sieve.
 It was very delicious
 for a cold winter night.
The complete recipe is in Victoria 2012.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Chocolate Cake Chalkboard

I thought, what would be fun to do today since it was raining outside? I had all the ingredients for making a cake. Chocolate sounded good. 
It gave me an idea for a craft project. I decided to try and see what it would look like stamping letters onto book pages.I like the effect.
I then glued the pages onto card stock.
I centered the cards onto the mat cutter.
I took pages from a book I found, 
"The Quest Of The Dream Girl".
That's my quest,finding the dream. 
 I found a spot I liked for the letters. On my kitchen chalkboard.
 The chocolate cake was very good.
Now I can make different cards for whatever recipe I bake. You can always glitter the letters. A little bling is a good thing.
 Our son Scott's birthday is tomorrow and 
 we thought we'd give him a slice.
Happy 27th Birthday Scott!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Afternoon Gardening

I went to Summers Past Farm with my friend Mary to get new plants for the New Year.
I love going to get inspired to plant whatever is in season. 

There's always something new to see.

After spending the afternoon having fun, we headed home.

I love seeing paper whites growing and I had some wine glasses from Antropologie that chipped so I decided to use them.
 I bought some parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme for the herb planter today.

They'll be right next to the kitchen, so I can cook with them.

An afternoon well done!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Old Bible Book

I went to a thrift store and happened to come across an old vintage Bible Book.
The pages were wore and almost falling out.

The cover was tore and barely holding the Bible together.
The inside pages told how old it was. 

The binding showed how much it was read.

I wonder how many hands held this Bible.

You never know what you'll find in a thrift store.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year 2012

I thought what would be a good start for the New Year and baking cookies was my answer.
There's something about using letters.
Maybe when I was little, seeing a name spelled out was special.
Starting the New Year with our family was the best thing ever. Hope everyone's holiday was a good.
Wishing everyone a healthy
 Happy New Year!