Wednesday, January 14, 2015

How to Make Money Online with PaidVerts

What is PaidVerts?

Advertise Your Business and Make Money Online!

 At PaidVerts you can make money online by viewing their 'Paid Ads', which are placed on their website by advertisers who want to get website traffic. You can earn anywhere from less than one cent per ad you view, all the way up to as much as $200, for viewing 1 ad for 30 seconds! 

The ad values you get are determined by the level of Bonus Ad Points (BAP) you have. Bonus Ad Points are how they measure your proven value to prospective advertisers. The more you accumulate, the larger value ads your account will gain priority in receiving.You receive Bonus Ad Points to your account daily, as soon as you join. Joining is free, and you can begin clicking ads right away.

You will also get Paid ads delivered to your account daily. All you have to do is copy 3 lines of text about the ad, then visit the website for 30 seconds to unlock your instant cash payment. Users have 18 hours to click on the ads issued to them, or they're automatically recycled to another user.

PaidVerts is a lot like DigAdz, but they have been around for much longer, since 2011, in fact! A site has to have a good reputation and good results to be able to last online for more than a few months. PaidVerts has proven themselves to be in it for the long-term. I only recently joined, as I am also a member of DigAdz, and have seen some good earnings there.

You can join for free, and begin clicking Bonus Ad Points and Paid Ads immediately. To jump to higher levels faster, (to get higher value ads/earn more),  you can also buy Ad Campaigns, starting at $1, which will give you a lot more Bonus Ad Points, and move you to higher levels. I got started with $20, and have now put in $80, which has gotten me to level 6. At that level, I am earning an average of $4 to $10 per day. Can't wait to climb to even higher levels!!!

   Time to make money online!


 Join PaidVerts:


Thursday, January 8, 2015

10 Minute Video Trainer | Video Made Easy | Free Download

 10 Minute Video Trainer Series - Free Download


 Have you been using video marketing yet? Or perhaps you are just wanting to get started in learning how to create videos that will help you make money online. What ever the case, if you create the right kind of videos, you can easily make money online with them, and without a website too, if you use the correct strategies.

 Even if you aren't new to video marketing, or new to making your own videos, if you've been struggling to get your videos to earn you money, then you need to learn how to create the right kind of videos, videos that will convert viewers into buyers! This Video Trainer Series, created by experienced professional, Lou Bortone, will help you FINALLY make money online with your videos!

Free Download: