Saturday, April 30, 2011

Baby Hummingbird Update

Photo by Stan Gabara
Our baby hummingbirds are growing so big now, they keep changing positions. We know soon they will leave the nest. What an experience to see them so close...

Friday, April 29, 2011

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Galvanized Containers

Photo by Stan Gabara
Making a vignette outside is easier than you think. We found these galvanized containers at different places. It didn't take but a minute to put together.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Photo by Stan Gabara
We grew artichokes last year and they did so well. They're a delicious vegetable and easy to cook. If you don't pick them a spectacular purple-blue thistlelike flower appears. They can be cut for arrangements. One of our favorites!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Inspirational Wreath

Photo by Jody Gabara
Having a wreath or cork board will help inspire you and your garden. There are so many ideas in garden magazines. My friend Charlene told me to tear out pages that I liked, and put them into a binder. Over the years, I have collected many. It's great to motivate you!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

Photo by Jody Gabara
Happy Easter to our family and friends!


Photo by Stan Gabara
Our children made these birdhouses for us at a craft class one summer. It makes for great memories in the garden.

Stepping Stones

Photo by Stan Gabara
When the kids were little, we would always hide their Easter baskets. They would have to find them with clues Stan wrote. It was so much fun watching them search up and down the hill and finally find their baskets full of presents. Happy Easter Scott, Katie and Carly!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day

Photo by Jody Gabara
It's Earth Day. Hope you go outside and enjoy your garden!

Bee Skep

Photo by Jody Gabara
A bee skep is usually made out of coiled straw. It makes a charming addition to your garden decor. 

Water Drops

Photo by Stan Gabara
Stan went outside with his coffee this morning and noticed the dew drops on this leaf. He said it looked magnified underneath, so you could see the details of the veins. It's amazing how nature gives us that extra close-up.

Sugar Snap Peas

Photo by Jody Gabara
The sugar snap peas were climbing across to the peach tree. It reminded us of when we were little, we hung our clothes outside to dry. The peas were all in a row and hanging there so straight...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Summers Past Farm

Photo by Stan Gabara
Stan and I decided to jump in our car for a "Nursery Road Trip" to Summers Past Farm. It was a rainy day and the flowers looked beautiful. It's located in Flinn Springs near El Cajon. The view of the mountains in the background are so green this time of year, it's worth the drive. The owners, Marshall and Cheryl, are so helpful to whatever questions you have on your garden. They built a huge barn with lots of wonderful things inside. They also have a soap shoppe, plants and grounds to explore. Hope you can put this on your nursery list! 

Jody, Marshall and Cheryl

Photo by Stan Gabara

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bearded Iris

Photo by Jody Gabara
What can I say but, Wow!
 This morning I had to take this picture. It's our first bloom...

Stained Glass Fairies

Photo by Jody Gabara
About 10 years ago, I took a class at Glasswood Studio in National City. I made a lot of different things but, I really wanted to add fairies in the miniature garden. This is one of a series of seven.


Photo by Jody Gabara
We have hanging chandeliers throughout our garden. I found this one from the swap meet. I sprayed it and hung it on our pine tree.  I bought cups and saucers at Marshalls and they just fit perfect.

Monday, April 18, 2011

New Beginning

Photo by Jody Gabara
We noticed the baby dove this morning sitting on the edge of the hanging basket. The mother seemed to encourage the baby to take it's first flight. We didn't see the baby later and we knew she joined the outside world. 

A Good Day

Photo by Jody Gabara
Today I looked at our vegetables and all of them looked delicious. It was a good day for lettuce, so I had to take this photo. Of course, we made a salad. A little feta, pears and vinaigrette. 

Creative Display

Photo by Jody Gabara
With each passing month, the garden offers a limitless array of possibilities. You can design an artful display when trimming down a tree. We had a birdhouse that needed a home and this was it.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Photo by Jody Gabara
I was watering the garden today and noticed this beautiful poppy. The color was so red and then I saw the inside. It's so similar to the shape of a wheel. How can that be possible? It's the beauty of nature. Take the thyme in your garden!

Vintage Tray

Photo by Jody Gabara
Using an old silver tray, maybe one from a thrift store. Attach a mirror and use it to display a unique vase or planter with a flower. It gives your garden that vintage antique look.


Photo by Jody Gabara
                                                                Tip for the Day
Went to Starbucks for a coffee the other day and noticed coffee grinds in a corner. They give away "FREE COFFEE GRINDS EVERYDAY". They're good for your compost and good for your garden.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

View from the Top

Today was hot in San Diego, but the plants loved it. The view from the top of our hill is all worth the "Labor of Love".


Photo by Jody Gabara
We have a hill in our backyard and Stan has made trails so the kids could run and play on them. Now that they're gone, we watch the sunset and remember when they were little. 


Photo by Stan Gabara
Stan drilled a hole in a teacup and saucer, then added a copper rod. It adds structure and whimsy to your backyard. We placed it near our miniature garden among the teapots. Another cup of tea please!


Photo by Jody Gabara
A gazing ball mirrors a copy of your garden. It adds light and color where you need it. On a sunny day they have a reflection on them and at night they glow from the moon.

Friday, April 15, 2011


Photo by Stan Gabara
Having a stone wall in your garden gives you a place to display your favorite things. I have a collection of teapots and cups, it's fun looking at while I'm gardening. 

Copper Heart

Photo by Jody Gabara

This was one of Stan's first projects. He made it out of copper and hammered the shape of a heart. He placed a ball in the center which reflects the colors of the rainbow.

Celery Stick

Photo by Jody Gabara
You can use a paint stirrer for a garden marker. They usually give them away for free at any hardware store. It can also help you measure how tall your vegetables are growing. 

Maderense Geranium

Photo by Stan Gabara
A friend said to me how much she liked the maderense geranium today and I told her we grew many in our backyard. They are a beautiful plant with the most gorgeous pink flowers. I remembered the first time I saw them at Summers Past Farms in Flinn Springs. Bruce Asakawa, well-known gardening expert and his wife Sharon, were speaking there in 2000 and mentioned how easy they grew and spread. I bought one that day, and the plant has flourished ever since. It is a short-lived perennial; dies after blooming but spawns many seedlings.

Birds Nest

Photo by Jody Gabara

A candle sconce fixture adds an inside look to your backyard setting. When you place a single birds nest on top, it will give you an illusion of elegance, yet a relaxed space to unwind.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Antique Firehose

Photo by Stan Gabara
We found this antique fire hose nozzle while walking on a hiking trail. Thought it would look good on our hill next to our pepper tree. It adds that rustic aged look to the garden.

Old Jewelry

Photo by Jody Gabara
Add sparkle in your garden with some jewelry to your statues. It adds some extra shine. It creates a unique twist by dressing up your outdoor look.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Stork has Arrived

Baby Hummingbird
Baby Dove

Our new baby birds have arrived. The mothers have been busy sitting on their nests since we started the blog. We were able to take some photos today. Enjoy!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Garden Markers

Just a simple popsicle stick can be used for a garden marker. Stamp  them with a garden motif. Use your imagination and have fun.

Great Find

Photo by Jody Gabara

This weekend I went shopping and found a fun project for our children. It's called "Paper Potter". The eco-friendly way to make plant pots from old newspapers. Tear newspaper into ( 3x23") strips. Roll strip around Potter and fold excess paper over bottom of potter. Fill with soil and plant your seed. Your plant is then ready for the garden. How cool is that. By the way, I found it at Williams- Sonoma. 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Reaching to the Sky

Photo by Stan Gabara
On March 19th we planted pumpkins by seed. The showers that came to San Diego helped them grow. I love the picture of how the seed holds onto the leaves. How beautiful and fragile it seems.

One Rose

Photo by Jody Gabara

Today, it has been 3 years since my mother has passed and was loved by everyone. She loved singing and was always entertaining our families. Going to garage sales was her favorite hobby and always found unique items for us. I think that's why I like going to thrift shops, it reminds me of her. We miss her.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Fresh Greens

Photo by Jody Gabara

We had a great salad today with fresh greens from the garden. The freckled lettuce you can buy is so pretty and easy to grow. The flowers are all edible too! I put chicken, apple, celery and added the flowers for color. If we can grow it, so can you...

Our New Farm Sink

Photo by Stan Gabara

Stan surprised me for my birthday and bought me an old vintage farm trough. They date back to the 1930's and have a lifetime of use and weathering. They can be used for garden planters, but stan made it into a sink. We clean our vegetables in it and use it when we cut our flowers. Having a sink when you garden is heaven....

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Lights At Night

Photos by Stan Gabara

Lights at night create a romantic and relaxing mood. A place to go to after a long day at work. Cheers!                                                                        

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Photos by Stan Gabara

It has been so much fun creating our miniature garden. We started about 12 years ago. Stan and our kids built a stone wall and brick path underneath a pepper tree for a Mother's Day present for me. It was a perfect location to have the garden. We planted miniature trees and plants first. We then added houses, furniture, mushrooms, teapots, signs and more. It's been a fun addition to our garden.