Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas to Everyone!

I made our snow family out of fondant.

Dreams are made today

Loving thoughts forever for my parents at Christmas
Hope You Have A Merry Christmas

Friday, December 23, 2011

Miniature Christmas Vignettes

When you walk in our front door you are greeted with a miniature scene that we decorate every year  since we moved into this house 19 years ago.
 This year I wasn't going to decorate because my dad passed away in August, but our kids talked me into it. I'm so glad they did because Christmas and holidays were my family's tradition and decorating was my mom's favorite thing to do.  

My miniature playhouse I've had years and decorate for all the holidays. 

I love the little things you can collect for it.
 My angel is one of my favorites.

Candy Canes for Good Little Girls and Boys

Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Decorations

I love these sugar pinecones. They're such a beautiful shape hanging from the curtains.
I love my antiques 
decorated for Christmas.

My Cape Cod Miniature Village

Skates Under Glass

I used a plant frog to display my miniature trees.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Macy's in New York

Macy's in New York at Christmas Time was so much fun. The Christmas lights and decorations were beautiful.

Love the Believe Sign
I never noticed the statues of women on the outside of the Macy's. 
They must be best friends or sisters.

Lots of people shopping for the holiday

Macy's Christmas Windows

Thanks Katie for a great trip to the Big Apple!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Almond and Lemon Biscotti

Our daughter, Katie wanted us to make biscotti and bring it with us, when we visited her in New York.
So, out came the recipe book and the cooking began. I love the smell of fresh lemon zest.

Some flour 

The almonds are chopped and give that crunchy texture in the biscotti.

The logs of dough look so rustic before cooking.

A beautiful spoon to put the best part on, Sugar.

When finished cooking, they look like little soldiers lined up.

Nothing like biscotti with a homemade latte.
Bon Appetit!
It was a Williams Sonoma recipe.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Our First Craft Sale

We participated in our very first Craft Fair Sale this weekend at Summers Past Farms in El Cajon. Our daughter Carly flew down from Santa Cruz to help us out and with her boyfriend Justin.
 We met so many wonderful new friends and were blessed with good weather.
 Everyone loved our booth and handmade items.

We had a gift drawing after our sale at Summers Past Farms and the winners are:
 Kim, she will receive a hand-stamped olive oil bottle.
Ann, she won a large hand-stamped votive.
Thanks to all our friends and families for their support on our new venture.
 We loved it so much we are returning April 21st for this sale and will be having other sales before then. We'll be posting the events and new ideas on our blog so please stay in touch.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Casablanca Inn in Santa Cruz

We went to visit our kids in Santa Cruz for Thanksgiving and stayed at the Casablanca Inn.

The bathroom had an old pedestal sink and vintage furniture.

We could see the Santa Cruz boardwalk from our room and it had a balcony overlooking the water. It was beautiful at night and during the day you could see people playing volleyball on the beach.

Loved the curtains in the room.

I haven't seen one of these in a long time.

The light fixtures were antiques.

The mirror in the hallway reflected all the old doors.

Loved the glass door knobs!

The sitting area where they served coffee had another view of the ocean.
It was a wonderful holiday trip.